Are you a Tomboy or Girly Girl?

This quiz is about if you are tomboy or a girly girl! Many have tried to figure it out them selves, but failed. This quiz will tell you! I am excited for you to find out!

This quiz is about if you are tomboy or a girly girl! Many have tried to figure it out for themselves, but they have never successfully done it. This quiz will tell you! I am so happy to see you find out! Let’s go!

Created by: Paniah Dinham
  1. Do you like boys things or makeup
  2. Do you wear lots of makeup
  3. Are you a girl?
  4. Do you have tendencies to play video games?
  5. Do you have brothers?
  6. Are most of your friends boys?
  7. Do you like roughhousing?
  8. Are you a fan of “boyish” shows or movies?
  9. Do you spend lots of time with and around boys / men?
  10. Do you think you are a tomboy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Tomboy or Girly Girl?
