Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?

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  • I hate all girly stuff and acting doesnt count im a tomboy 100% and I do rock climbing, football , grtting muddy< and boys r all right for playing football against and having races (i always win) and I luv being outside

  • I feel like girls abuse the word Tom boy...Tom boy means you dress like a boy (basically cross dress) this one girl at my school she said "OMG I'M SUCH A TOM BOY" and later she ends up crying over retard dating issues I actually like hanging with boys I like playing in dirt mess up my hair rough house with and I'm actually kind of into girls I'm bisexual but it's mostly girls that I'm attracted to

    Time Lord
    • Yassssssss! You tooo! I love this lgbtq+ community!! I am bisexual, also..... mess with meh senpai you die.

      LGBTQ queen
  • Your Result: Tomboy 96%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    In between... 58%
    GirlyGirl 0%
    That's freakishly accurate WOW!

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: In between...

    You are in between! Not quite tomboy not quite girly girl. You like lipstick and you like football. Simples Pimples! Anyway you don't mind wearing skirts or trousers! Good luck being a tomgirl!

    ......... .............NO s---

  • I got In between... true. I wear miniskirts more (only because I find them more comfortable for some reason) and like cute, girlish stuff but I also have a couple of boyish habits and hang out with boys.

  • I got 96% totally correct because I hate heels and makeup and I love sports. I have both girl and guy friends. Sometimes I act a little girly but I 96% tomboy! :)

    PS Sorry for the spam above :(

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: Tomboy 88%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    63% In between...
    9% GirlyGirl

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: Tomboy 87%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    63% In between...
    8% GirlyGirl

  • Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
    Your Result: Tomboy 78%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    In between... 47%

  • This quiz is AWESOME! I am so a tomboy! I hang round with the cowboys, wear nothin but jeans, button up top, boots, and a cowboy hate! Hate pink and purple! Never wear dresses, skirts, or shorts! And really, whats the point in high heels?! You can't walk in them, am I right? And why wear short skirts, shorts, or dresses, unless your a hooker! Haha!

    Rodeo Chic
  • You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    I am totally a tomboy!!! Girl stuff= YUK!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I keep seeing the word tom-girl. Do you actually say that? If so, tom-girl is a boy who acts in a girly way. Sorry if this seems rude, I just wanted to say this because of some people using the word wrong.

  • I’m In between but I just feel bad for real girly girls because they might feel offended cause this quiz said (Duh!) A lot for the girls girl's and some of those type of girls are not like that but still girly!

  • All of my friends tell me im inbetween, but i got tomboy and that description fits me so PERFECT!! Makeup is a horrible invention, pink is disgusting! And high heels dont even make any sense!!!!

  • Your Result: Tomboy 84%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    69% In between...
    24% GirlyGirl

  • Your rating was completely right! They said I was in between 92%! And it's true! I like being prettied up and playing in the mud and riding horses and running! You are a life reader!

  • I am a tomboy. Of course, I knew I would be! I am like totally a tomboy. I had like 10% for girly girl and I like that because I like hanging out with boys and girly girls? I only have one girl friend and she's a tomboy too...

  • Tomboy

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    Jessie j kay
  • Don't read this because if you do not send this to at least 5 people you will die today and tomorrow you will wonder if your relative is going to die too and I will try to get you and your relatives to live but my strength might not work so you will have to believe with me

  • Your Result: Tomboy 87%

    You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels! Seriously how do you walk in them?

    GREAT QUIZ!!!!!! Yes, just like you, I trip in high heels


  • 85% tomboy. That is accurate, I sometimes get mistaken for a boy but it hasn't happened in a while.

    22% girly. Is that because I like glitter and shiny objects?!?

  • Hey if you make fun of me for liking Orlando, I don't care because it doesn't matter what you think cause' I love him no matter what

  • MAVOLLOUS quiz i am a total tomboy i hate any sort of girly stuff! for exsample... make-up, (yuck!!!) high heels, exsetra... i really enjoyed the quiz well done! i have put a worm down my top before and beried a dead bird i love sports and i only have 2 dresses that i don't wear any more anyway. so good bye from zoe keeble xx great quiz xx

    zoe keeble
  • Good, I'm in between.

    I like most sports and seem to be pretty good at most, but I do have a fashion sense.

    ...But if someone puts me in a skirt I may have to cause them bodily harm. So... Mostly right. xD

  • Yeah! TOMBOY! All my friends (girls) say I'm such a drama queen or whatever and I'm just like "oh, really? Who does Salsa Dancing after a touchdown?" and they're just like "Ummm.." and I'm like "Yeah, you don't know, but I do!" and they're like "I doubt it." and I'm like "Seriously? How shallow do you think I am? THE ANSWER IS VICOTR CRUIZ!"


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