Are you a tomboy?

Have you ever wondered how girly girl or how tomboy-ish you are? While, check out this quiz to see which one you are! Maybe you are avarage. This quiz will be sure to say!

Do you think that you are tomboy enough to get the 100 percent tomboy? Or do you think you are 0 percent tomboy, or a girly girl. If you take this quiz, you will find out!

Created by: LilBit224
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you watch TV?
  3. What is your favorite TV genre?
  4. What is your favorite sport?
  5. How much do you like sports?
  6. What is your favorite Video Game?
  7. Your mom lets you wear make up to school for a day. What do you do?
  8. What do you think youll get?
  9. What is your favorite TV show?
  10. Are you going to comment?
  11. Do you want to go play in the mud?
  12. What do you wear to school usually?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tomboy?

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