Are You a Therian?

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In this quiz, you might find out if you are a Therian. This isn't 100% sure, I just made it for those who can't decide, since I met some people who don't know it yet.

What is a Therian? Therians are people who think they are part human-part animal. Have you ever felt like you act like an animal? Have people told it to you before?

Created by: PatrikPapi
  1. Do you know what a Therian is?
  2. Have you Awakened yet, or do you know what Awakening means?
  3. Do you have phantom parts? (tail, ears etc that aren't visible, only for you)
  4. Do you know what Shifting means?
  5. Have you ever had a shift? What kind of, if you had?
  6. Do you have inhuman/strange behaviors, traits? (use senses better, can howl/bark/hiss etc perfectly)
  7. Can you do Therian Quadrobics?
  8. Do you have a Tail/mask?
  9. Do you wear your therian accessories in public?
  10. Did people ever mock/bully your or mocked you because your inhuman traits?
  11. Where do you feel comfortable?
  12. If you had to choose, what kind of animal would you be reborn/become?
  13. Where do you want to live?
  14. What do you think you get?
  15. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Therian?
