Are you a therian?

i myself am a therian take this to find out if you are too.If so welcome to a community of nearly 200,000 people.Have fun taking my quiz.I hope you are a therian too.

hi make sure to be honest with your answers or you will not get a accurate result to see if your a therian or otherkin.I hope you have fun taking my quiz.BYE!

Created by: heather Jolley
  1. why are you here?
  2. ok first question do you ever feel phantom limbs?wings,horns,tails,fangs,animal ears etc.
  3. have you ever made non-human noises?growl,hiss,bark,howl,meow etc.
  4. have you ever scrachted someone to where they bleed?
  5. do you feel connected to any animals?
  6. do you feel connected to any mythical creatures?
  7. do you feel connected to forests,oceans,beach etc. ?
  8. i hope your a therian or otherkin
  9. do you feel like your a earthen species?
  10. do you feel like a mythical species

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?

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