Are you a teen wolf true fan?

Hello. i hope you guys are here to slay it all. it's my first quiz so probably is gonna suck. best of luck ma friends, i love u all no matter the result <3

it's my first teen wolf quiz, actually it's my first quiz of something. if you get 100 plz text me telling me you had the best result and i'll kiss you <3

Created by: Lydia ( i wish )
  1. Who bit Scott in season 1?
  2. Who does Stiles have a crush on since the third grade?
  3. Who is the new girl in season 1?
  4. In season 1 Scott is a...
  5. Who is the banshee?
  6. What ship name is not real?
  7. Who is the kanima?
  8. Who dies in season 3?
  9. In what episode does Stiles have a panic attack?
  10. What's your favourite character? ( it won't change the results )

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Quiz topic: Am I a teen wolf true fan?

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