Are you a super genius?

There are many people on this planet htrae. Some are slow; some are exceptionally smart. Some are fat; some are skinny. Some are tall; some are short. Some are you; some are me. Some like twilight; some like vampire diaries. Some even like both!

Are you stupid? Do you know 2+2? Are you smart? Do you still watch barney? I dont, but its okay if you do. Im not one to judge... Anyway! If you take this quiz, youll get candy at the end! You: Really?!! Me: Yeah! Of course...

Created by: Cherryblast
  1. What is the square root of 256; 4 x4?
  2. What is a noun?
  3. When did Columbus set sail on his voyage?
  4. What is the difference between a revolution and a rotation?
  5. What is the formula for standard form?
  6. Which is a Usher song? You: What does this have to do with anything? Me: i dunno
  7. A boy meets a girl. He likes her at first sight, but doesnt know how to tell her. Instead he teases and makes fun of her. When he tells her, she doesnt like him back. Whats the theme?
  8. What is the capital of Texas? Whats the capital of Arizona?
  9. What is 2/4 x 3
  10. What is an organism?

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Quiz topic: Am I a super genius?