Are you a suit or a hippy?

In this world of eco not envo a few stand out to shine. We call these people envo they love it and nurture it so we all can live another day. For more on this subject and others visit your local library. So get hooked on a banned book.

Are you envo or eco shortly you will know. Will you take home the soul rewarding reward of being envo. Or the oppressing and depressing title of being an eco slob who judges without thinking and creates poverty and disparity where ever they go?

Created by: nick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in a goverment?
  2. Who was a better president?
  3. What do you want to/ do for a living?
  4. Do you want to vote?
  5. Who do you think should run the world?
  6. Do you know who vince caring hold is?
  7. Are you a member of peta?
  8. This is the last question... How do you feel?
  9. sorry i lied. is that ok
  10. will you eat number 6s pie

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Quiz topic: Am I a suit or a hippy?