Are you a siren or a werewolf

Werewolves and sirens aren't so different they both eat people and both like to do something with their voice but there also different like more hairy

Like sirens are prettier and their hair is longer they sing more and look the same all the time except for when they show you who you want to see to lure you to their island

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to sing
  2. What do you like to eat
  3. Do you like the ocean
  4. Do you like the woods
  5. Is your hair long
  6. What is closest to your name
  7. What is close to your favorite food
  8. Do you like boys our girls
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. Byeee

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Quiz topic: Am I a siren or a werewolf