Are you a REAL Swiftie?

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I guess I just got really bored on a Thursday night and created this quiz. It is about my favorite music artist... Taylor Swift. She is literately SOO talented.

Comment your score and your favorite Taylor Swift song. Also your favorite album if you want to be an overachiever. I hope you guys enjoy my quiz though!!!

Created by: Taylor
  1. First, we are starting easy... What year was TS born in?
  2. What is TS's full name
  3. How old was TS when she wrote Love Story?
  4. How many original studio albums does TS have?
  5. What is TS's fav. number? (if you don't get this right I will be mad)
  6. Which song (out of these) does not have a music video?
  7. Which song are these lyrics from...I said, "I've been there too a few times"
  8. Who did TS write the song "Back to December" about?
  9. What is TS's favorite color?
  10. And lastly... what is TS's mom's name?

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Quiz topic: Am I a REAL Swiftie?
