What Taylor Swift album are you

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Welcome to the official What taylor swift album are you quiz!Just answer the questions to get your result. So quick easy and accurate! I hope you enjoy my quiz!

Please answer truthfully for the most accurate results! Of course you have to remember that everything is not 100% accurate. Thanks for choosing my quiz. Enjoy!

Created by: Sophie123
  1. You have woken up on a rainy day! What will you do?
  2. If you were being bullied you would....
  3. And finally what album do you like out of these 3 popular ones?
  4. What would you do if you saw a rainbow?
  5. What would you do if your friend was going through a hard time?
  6. What would you do if your pet died?
  7. What would you do if you had a test?
  8. Your fav colour?
  9. Your fav food?
  10. We are done!

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Quiz topic: What Taylor Swift album am I
