are you a real brittana fan (glee)

you may know alot about glee but do you know certain couples from the about brittana give the quiz a try and see how you do good luck it really testes your love for them

lets see if you have the brainpower for brittana and their adorable love try the quiz and we will see how much you know your couples only true gleeks know these answers

Created by: sasalele_01

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did Santana and Brittany meet?
  2. When did you see Brittana have their first kiss?
  3. What did Santana say to Brittany at Brittany's locker?
  4. What was another nick name besides brittana for the both of them together
  5. who confronted Santana of being a lesbian?
  6. What was the first love song Santana sung to Brittany
  7. What did the shirt Brittany made for Santana say
  8. what was the FIRST song that brittana do a duet on
  9. what song did Brittana sing then Brittany said she like to dance with santana more than anybody else
  10. What was the Brittana's break up song

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Quiz topic: Am I a real brittana fan (glee)