Are You a Real Army?

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Hi , this a short quiz to see if you know these questions and if you're a true army!! (these questions are pretty easy) oh and its my first quiz but ye ARMY FOREVER!!

Well um I have to write 150 letters and idk so here is this... Kim namjoon kim seokjin min yoongi jung hoseok park jimin kim taehyung jeon jungkook bts!!

Created by: bts_yush
  1. How many members are there in bts?
  2. Who is the youngest member?
  3. What was bts first song?
  4. Who is the leader?
  5. Who is the oldest?
  6. What year did their first song come out?
  7. Who was the most handsome man in 2020?
  8. What is RM real name?
  9. What did suga say he wants to be in his next life?
  10. Ok last question!! R U streaming dna?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Real Army?
