are you a real aquarius

ther are so many aquarius in the world but are you a real aquarius today is your da yto find out you can take this quiz to see how true of an aquarius are you...remeber aquarius only this is so tht you can find out how true you really are nd how good do you really represent the name aquarius!!!

Are YOU an aquarius? Do you have the personality to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder!! But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: vernisha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do you like to joke around?
  2. do you change when you get to know people?
  3. are you smart?
  4. are you a great kisser?
  5. are you trustworthy?
  6. are you energtic?
  7. do you love long relationships?
  8. does this descrides you?"not a fighter but will fight for yours"
  9. will you perceed people expectations?
  10. are you unpredictable?
  11. are you faithful?
  12. are you sensitive at times?
  13. do you tink your sexy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real aquarius