Are you a queen or Beatle member?

This quiz is to tell you if you are a queen member or a Beatle member.They are both classic bands but your personality makes you more of one band than the other.

Are you a queen member or Beatle member?You might love both like I do but our personality makes us more one than the other,the real question that lies is what on are you?

Created by: William
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you want to do
  2. What would you rather wear?
  3. What advice should I take?
  4. Amazing hair or incredible moustache?
  5. Do you want to break free or be a paperback writer?
  6. Freddie or Paul?
  7. John Lennon or John Deacon?
  8. Instruments or vocals?
  9. Do u like dull or colourful?
  10. We are nearly done but just one last question,would u prefer hey Jude or bohemian rhapsody?

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Quiz topic: Am I a queen or Beatle member?