Are you a pro at soccer? Find out now!

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Created by: Ssvnsbv
  1. Do you practice everyday? Pls tell the truth.
  2. Is ur juggling record 50+? Pls tell the truth.
  3. If ur a striker or winger, do you get 10+ goal per season? Pls tell the truth.
  4. If ur a midfielder, have u set up at least 10 goals per season? Pls tell the truth.
  5. If ur a defender hav u been scored on more than 7 times in a season? Pls tell the truth.
  6. If ur a goalie, have u had at least 7 clean sheets per season? Pls tell the truth
  7. Have you ever scored a volley?
  8. Have u made at least 10 slide tackles in ur career?
  9. Have you ever saved at least 12 shots per game?
  10. Den afc

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Quiz topic: Am I a pro at soccer? Find out now!

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