Are you a prep, emo, or in between?

ever wonder if your an emo or a prep? well just take this quiz to find out. warning: not very accurate. anyway hope you enjoy! took me forever to do this.

why do we need a second paragraph? thats just stupid. lalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaalalalal

Created by: sarah
  1. whats your favorite color?
  2. have you ever been depressed?
  3. Have you ever cut? or have scars. hope i didnt offend anyone
  4. what do you normally wear?
  5. is your hair natural, dyed? what color?
  6. what music do you like
  7. what do you think you are?
  8. do you wear makeup?
  9. piercings?
  10. final question.. is this quiz ok?

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Quiz topic: Am I a prep, emo, or in between?