Are you a popular geek?!?!?!?

This quizis about people wanting to know if they are popular. But what if you are a geek? Does that mean that you cant be popular? I dont think so! I think u can be in a classroom and not talk to other people and do exactly what you are suppose to be doing. But when it is before school after school, brunch, lunch, U hang out with the biggest group ever! Sometimes techers come and break your group up!

Being a geek diesnt mean that you are not popular... It means you care about your schoolwork but also love to go to the mall, hang out with your friedns and evething else that girls and boys love to do! You are just the same as people who are popular and suck at school! There isnt a different catorgory it is the same u are just smarter!!!! SO GOOD JOB ON THIS QUIZ AND HAVE FUN!!!! (= (= (=

Created by: JolyJoJO
  1. What do u do when u get to skool?
  2. R ugood at math? What is Pi?
  3. What is ur fav subject?
  4. How many friends dou hang out with at lunch?
  5. R u a geek?
  6. Is this the last question?
  7. What is a geek???
  8. What is 34.5*1
  9. Y are u a geek?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (Answer not effected!)

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Quiz topic: Am I a popular geek?!?!?!?