Are You A Nerd?

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Yes, I'm not very stylish. I agree I'm a wallflower at any social event, and I totally have high expectations in the area of academics . So yes I guess 3 out of 4 ain't bad. I hope that you agree that being a nerd is being a nerd is a beautiful thing to be. It needs to be embraced, adored, revered and appreciated.

Do you think you're a nerd? Take the quiz below and score your answers. At the bottom of the quiz, check to see what nerdy category you fit into. Share this quiz with your girlfriends and see if they are just as nerdy as you are!!

Created by: Jamie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You like the term nerd.
  2. You like wearing glasses.
  3. You enjoy utilizing your expanded vocabulary
  4. You refuse to dumb myself down...for anyone
  5. Reading is a pleasurable past time for you
  6. You have an obsession with new gadgets and love talking techie stuff with other geeks
  7. You think the iPad2 is the best invention ever
  8. If you had a choice between dinner with Oprah Winfrey or would choose Miss O.
  9. Watching CNN is entertaining TV
  10. Your pet knows you more than your friends do
  11. You receive a phone call at 10 at night from a friend asking you to help solve an algebra problem (this happened to me as I was writing this blog post!)

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Quiz topic: Am I A Nerd?