Are You a Muggle?

There are many people who believe in magic, and some who try to do it. But can YOU pick up a wand and say "Accio"? Not many people can. Today you can try, though.

Will you be a Wizard, Squib, or Muggle? You could only think you would be a wizard. You might, you might not. But only a a special few qualify to be in the Wizarding field. See if you are! Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Libby S. (A Ravenclaw)
  1. Your neighbor is cutting down trees. One is about to fall on him. What do you do?
  2. Do you like brooms?
  3. Who is your favorite singer?
  4. What would be your favorite pet, if you had to pick?
  5. What are your favorite color(s)?
  6. What would be your favorite object, device, etc.
  7. Which nature activity/place do you like most?
  8. What would your nemesis's name be?
  9. Your house is on fire. You can only take 1 thing with you out of these: *Your purse/wallet *Your Wand *Your phone *A compass that has been in your family for over 300 years and was believed to belong to George Washington *Your pet *Your things for Hogwarts (Pet, Books, Cauldron, etc.) What would be your decision?
  10. Your favorite subject in school was/is?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Muggle?