are you a loser?

there are many losers out there. ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?!?! take this quiz and find out! and be honest, seriously the point is to find out the truth. THIS IS 100% ACCURATE

are YOU a loser? well thats the point of this quiz to find out. have fun when ur done please rate and comment and don't lie on the comments because I can see ur score and I WILL correct you. MUAHAHAHAHA*cough* wait... hairball.. *gags*... oh god... *air heaves* *cough* *gags* there we go! have fun, now! :)

Created by: yeahbuddy
  1. hey
  2. How many times a day do people say ur a loser or your wierd?
  3. do you have braces and glasses?
  4. FOR BOYS: do u shave your legs
  5. FOR GIRLS: do u ever go in public with "stubbles" (noticeable coarse hair)
  6. have I ever told u ur a loser (in the forums)
  7. do u have a cell phone?
  8. on a scale of 1-10 how bad are you?
  9. do you watch Disney channel?
  10. Do you think you could change yourself for the better?
  11. bye
  12. oh wait before you go are u at all nerdy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a loser?