Are you a KOTLC elf?

This quiz tells you if you are a keeper elf! You want to know, dont you? You might just become an alien but who knows? hope you have fun with the quiz!

If you could be any elf, who would you be? Fitz, sophie, biana, or keefe? You could guess or take a quiz about who you are! I hope you will get who you want!

Created by: Mr conardio
  1. What weird power would you want?
  2. What non-weird power would you love to have?
  3. If you could live anywhere where would you live?
  4. do you like the idea of having pointy ears?
  5. do you like the idea of having magical training
  6. Trivia- what color is sophie's hair?
  7. did you like the quiz?
  8. , do you want to be a keeper elf?
  9. what food?
  10. and last of all, what mythical pet would you want?

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Quiz topic: Am I a KOTLC elf?
