Are you a Jester?

Even if your not a jester be a king or a gold fish. Just do whatever you want and enjoy the Candy and don't let them teeth rot unless you like it that way.

This is a random paragraph I have to write it because of site rules but I'm rebel from star wars and no rulez for me. Only a few more words of crap and candy.

Created by: Unseen Jester
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you old?
  2. Are you funny.
  3. Do you know any kings?
  4. This question is useless. Don't answer.
  5. Are you willing to look stupid?
  6. Are you willing to die?
  7. Am I funny?
  8. Are you royal.
  9. I'm getting you a job as a jester now.
  10. Is the queen hot?
  11. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Jester?