are you a hunter?

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supernatural fans are welcome, you take this quiz to find out you're score, just a quic thing. if you get from 50-100, look out of the next test i hope to put out soon

are you sure youi can do this there is still time to back out, there is no shame in it, if you fail quit now because this is the easy test, i will put out a hard one later so, choose a new hobby while you can

Created by: kooripride

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. when you travel you must travel...
  2. you walk into a town to hear rummors that a fast supernatural being has been taking campers. what is it?
  3. vampires, how do you know they are?
  4. how do you kill a vampire?
  5. how do you kill a vampire?
  6. oh i forgot... how do you kill a wendigo?
  7. shapeshifters, do they exist?
  8. how do you tell they are shapeshifters? if there are any?
  9. you meet a demon, what gives them away?
  10. if a demon has yellow eye, what would his name be?
  11. and angel chooses you to save the world, you are the sword of Micheal. what would that be
  12. okay last for the quick quiz in enochian what does "sal vach tay" mean

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Quiz topic: Am I a hunter?