Are you a Harry Potter Genious?

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Do you think you are a Harry Potter genius? Well here is the place to find out! If you haven't read all the books IT DOSEN'T MATTER because this quiz is only about some of them.

This quiz will test your knowledge of Harry Potter. Will you be a genius like me? Take the quiz to find out! BTW: Please take this quiz seriously as it is no joke.

Created by: Amber
  1. Who is Harry's cousin?
  2. Who was the Headmaster of Hogwarts?
  3. Which house was Harry's girlfriend Cho Chang sorted into?
  4. Who was the founder for Gryffindor house?
  5. Was Sirius Black innocent?
  6. Which teacher taught potions?
  7. in Which book did Harry Hermione Ron and Malfoy have a detention in the forbidden forest?
  8. How many broomsticks did Harry have altogether? (not at once)
  9. What was Harry's Mother's name?
  10. What was the wandmaker called?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Harry Potter Genious?