are you a greedy christmas kid??

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Yes Christmas is almost here! It is time for joy happiness and celebration for this wonderful time of the year!

But why? Why do you like christmas so much? Are you a greedy person who just cares about getting presents and nothing else? Or do you like receiving and giving presents? Or are you the kindest giver in the world who will do anything to make the receivers of your gifts happy? This quiz will answer that question for you. Also be honest nobody can see these quiz scores unless you share them with somebody! (verbally)

Created by: whovian1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay. Here's is an obvious one. How big is your christmas list around?
  2. Are you a spoiled kid?
  3. What is the most expensive and big thing you want for christmas? (round up ex. $9.99=$10.00)
  4. how rich are your parents and family? (Just estimate based off your house your living style, other neighborhoods and how rich your friends are.)
  5. what's your favorite part of Christmas (pick only one.)
  6. How much money do you spend on one person's gift (about)
  7. How much do you like spending time with your familly on Christmas?
  8. Do you like Christmas?
  9. Ok. Last question: Somebody asks you what you want for christmas what do you say? (choose what best represents you)

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Quiz topic: Am I a greedy christmas kid??