Are you a Good Person?

This quiz tells you if the things you do are mostly good or not. Obviously, this quiz does not define your personality, your goodness, or YOU in general.

It is only for fun, I guess I should say. There are some extra questions at the bottom of the quiz, to give you a little break from reality. Just some simple opinion questions.

Created by: Jaidyn
  1. Do you try your hardest to support your friends and family? Even if you might not know how?
  2. Do you try your hardest to help people, even if you don't know how?
  3. Do you sacrifice yourself for others? (For example, your time, energy, favorite things...)
  4. Do you second-guess yourself if someone claims you're one way or another? (for example, they call you a bad friend, and you know it isn't true, but you start to second-guess yourself?)
  5. (This is just a question I think is interesting...) What is typically your favorite character in books, tv shows, movies, or games?
  6. From now on, none of the questions will affect your goodness meter. How has your day been?
  7. Which do you like better: Kokichi Oma or Nagito Komaeda?
  8. Who is your favorite Supernatural character? Dean, Sam, Cass, Crowley, Charlie, Ruby, Meg, God/Chuck, Jack, Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Bobby, Ketch, et cetera...
  9. Do you resonate with the phrase "You cannot choose your family?"I strongly believe that toxic family members do not deserve more than toxic strangers.
  10. If you answered, "how many more questions are there?" this is for you. There are only a couple more questions. QUESTION: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
  11. Listen to this song really quick: The Magic 8 by Set it Off - Do you like it?
  12. My name's Jaidyn. I was about to ask what yours was, but you can't really reply to me. I assume your name is lovely.
  13. Last question: Do you love yourself?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Person?

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