Are You a Girly Giirl? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Girly Giirl?

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  • You are 88% Girly Girl! 88%

    Weak stomach. Too grossed out at catching lizards. Get more boyish. Seriously. Practice. Weaker and less smart than most girls. Boyish girls. Get boyish.

    Um... I get straight As in school and I'm in the gifted/talented program. Just because I'm girly doesn't mean I'm not smart. Ugh.

  • You are 21% Girly Girl!

    You are not a Girly Girl. Keep up the good work! Girls are too girly now-a-days, right? They make a face at catching lizards and hate mice. Seriously? Welcome to the real world where we like getting our hands dirty.

    The Red Rose
  • I got 80% but I just want to say you shouldn't put down people for being girly. If your not into girly things that's fine but don't try to change other people. Everyone should be themselves no matter how girly or tomboyish


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