are you a girl quiz (with some jokes)

hi this quiz is about if u r a girl and ya mostly people think this is boring but there are jokes to so that will make it fun and you like the part where i have the joke

ooooooh yes there are some jokes lol hi so yes i am cool ya ya ummm so yes all girls win so tbh i like this it was fun to make and jokes r funny hehe yes

Created by: jonn
  1. are u a girl
  2. are you a boy
  3. yes u r a girl
  4. oh idk what to put in
  5. so did u like this quiz
  6. knock knock
  7. ketchup
  8. ketchup your to slow
  9. oh u did not like it
  10. ok well good bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a girl quiz (with some jokes)

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