Are You A Furry, Brony, or Normie?

In this test, we will see in this short quiz whether you're a Furry, a Brony, or a Normie. Hopefully, this quiz will show you what you really are inside and outside.

I hope you enjoy this quiz when you start it. Hopefully, it will make your day, and if it doesn't make your day, maybe it'll be a fun quiz to take. :) :) :)

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Are you into anthropomorphic animals enough to warrant an interest in it in arts, crafts, role-playing, world-building, and even erotica?
  2. Do you go to cons?
  3. Do you have an interest in horses?
  4. Are you into the social aspect of any fandom or subculture at all?
  5. What sexual orientation are you?
  6. Do you have any interest whatsoever in MLP:FiM?
  7. Do you care about the central aspects of any subculture at all?
  8. What country is your fandom most popular in outside America?
  9. If there was a horse, would you have fantasies about it?
  10. Would you have fantasies about anthro animals?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Furry, Brony, or Normie?
