Are YOU a Furry?

this is a quiz the trys to prove if you are a furry or not. if you dont like it idc just do it again ok?? abcdefg i dont know what the rest is........

its pretty easy, hit a thing and you will get an answer at the end of the quiz. the quiz is something i put like 20 min on so donr hate please..........

Created by: Glitch_Test
  1. do you like furry art?
  2. Do you wish you where a anthro animal?
  3. would you ever go to a furcon?
  4. if you where a furry what would your fursona be?
  5. If you had a super power what would it be?
  6. What does Beans stand for on a furry?
  7. what does this mean, >:3c
  8. Do you want a Fursuit?
  9. There is a man and a furry standing next to each other, they are on the side of a rope bridge, witch one will u push off?
  10. last one, Do you have a name for any fursonas you may have?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Furry?

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