Therian, Otherkin, Otherhearted, Furry, or human!

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This test will help you see if you're a therian, otherkin, otherhearted, furry, or human! At the end it will tell you what these are! Good luck in your test!

Btw, theres nothing to be ashamed about if you are any of these! I'm a therian, otherkin, otherhearted, and furry all in one! Also, quads is for EVERYONE. not only non-human do it and they dont have to!

Created by: Miles
  1. Do you have a connection to animals?
  2. Do you feel like you have an animal soul deep within?
  3. Do you identify as an animal on a non-physical level?
  4. Do you believe you have a past life as an animal?
  5. Do just have an interest on animals who act like humans and would maybe wear a costume of them?
  6. Do you have a past life of a mythical animal?
  7. Do you not apply to any of these?
  8. Bc I can't do anymore, hows your day going?
  9. Do you know my tt? (@._.th3r1anzz_1n_a_p4ck_) its incase you need someone to vent to or to talk to. (I'm always here for you, no matter what <3)
  10. I hope you have a great rest of your day, byeee <3

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