Animalrobist Quizz

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In this quiz you will find out what animal comunitie u are in it is for anyone who would like to try it’s spasificaly a animalrobist quiz but that’s fine but remember if u get animalrobist you can chose if you want to join the comunitie

You can find out if you are a Hater,Furry,Therian,Otherkin,Otherhearted, or a animalrobist so I hope u enjoy it and find out what you are spiritually or physically

Created by: Animalrobist magic
  1. Do u feel strongly connected with animals?
  2. Do u beleive in spirit animals
  3. Do u beleive in past lives and/or reancarnation
  4. Do u do quads (all fours)
  5. Do u feel confident sharing things
  6. Do u spend lots of time in nature
  7. How do u feel about therian or otherkin s
  8. Do u have crystals or bones in your room
  9. Do u feel like you are not all human
  10. Do u have stuffy animals
  11. Do u draw animals a lot

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