Are you a fun person?

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WARNING: This quiz is highly opinionated. Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Are you fun? ( In my opinion ) Keep in mind, 100% is not necessarily a good thing, and 0% is not necessarily a bad thing.

Welcome to my opinionated quiz on, Are You Fun? Answer the questions honestly. I really, really hate it when people pretend to be someone they're not.

Created by: zeldacrafter0111
  1. Do people sometimes call you a know-it-all?
  2. Are you "current" or "old?" ( Are your interests like current people's or '80s style )
  3. Do you use fancy words, or speak in a way everyone can understand?
  4. Do you play Diablo or any video games of that calibre?
  5. Are you smart?
  6. Have you taken an MBTI?
  7. Do you like Rock 'n' Roll? If so, Hard Rock or Soft Rock?
  8. Do you like R&B?
  9. Do you like Wham!?
  10. Are you mainly Introverted, or Extroverted? ( Pay attention, I said MAINLY )
  11. Are you romantic?
  12. Do you listen to a lot of music?
  13. Do you like literature?
  14. Are you imaginative?
  15. Would you ever enlist in the army? If so, which era?
  16. Do you like taking quizzes?
  17. Do you make quizzes?

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Quiz topic: Am I a fun person?
