Are You A Follower Of The EMU!!!

Did you know that theres only 4% of TRUE Emu followers on the world. Most just overlook at us. Make fun of us. Nows the chance to prove youself that you ARE a follower.

Yes,you read the title right. EMU! not EMO. Most people don't know about us, BUT there are some true followers out there. If you think you are a follower prove youself and take the quiz.

Created by: Aaron
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the true color of the EMU.
  2. How many legs does Emu have?
  3. If an emu got in a fight with a Tiger. Who would win?
  4. Whats an Emus favorite food?
  5. If you saw an emu walking beside you. What would you do?
  6. If you saw your girl friend cheating on you with your best friend. What would be the right emu thing to do?
  7. If you just got fired from your job. Whats the right emu thing to do?
  8. Whats the Holy Book of the emus called?
  9. Whats the proper punishment of a non-follower?
  10. Ok. The TRUE QUESTION! What is an Emu!

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Quiz topic: Am I A Follower Of The EMU!!!