Are you a federalist or anti-federalist?

Federalism is a system of government that divides power between a central government and smaller units of government, such as state or local governments. The term federal government refers to the central government that unites all the smaller governments. The United States has a federal system: There is a central United States government, but at the same time each state has its own independent government. Some powers belong to the federal government, some powers belong to state governments, and some powers belong to both.

Are you a supporter of federalism or anti-federalism? Until now you could only wonder. In a just few minutes, you will find out which one do you support. Thank you for taking this survey.

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  1. Which one do you prefer?
  2. Do you agree with the following statement? Checks and balances can be created in government and advocates a separation of powers within the national government.
  3. Which choice do you prefer? a division of power between a central government and regional government?
  4. Do you support the current system of your country (United States of America)?
  5. The original United States Articles of Confederation gave Congress limited power to govern or regulate domestic affairs. Do you support this original Articles of Confederation or not?
  6. By 1786, the U.S. was bankrupt as a result of the cost of the Revolutionary War and the federal government had no powers of taxation. Congress was also unable to effectively resolve the growing trade and regional disputes developing at the state level and the Federalists sought to create a stronger federal government that could effectively intervene when needed. Do you support federalists' idea or not?
  7. Congress passes legislation and the president signs it into law. If the president vetoes legislation, Congress can override the veto and pass the legislation with the vote of two-thirds of each house. Are you in favor of this relationship between Congress and president?
  8. One's loyalty should be to nation first, and then to one's state second.
  9. A national army is unnecessary, because of varying needs and geography of states; every state should take care of its own military needs through the use of a state militia.
  10. The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution specifically tells the states that they have reserved powers. Powers not delegated to the government by the Constitution are given to the respective states. Are you a supporter of the Tenth Amendment?

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Quiz topic: Am I a federalist or anti-federalist?