are you a diva,nerd,a sweetheart? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you a diva,nerd,a sweetheart?

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  • I got sweetheart

    Did you know diva meant Outstanding Talent.Not girly or mean see people use words they don't even know what they mean and they use it on people to be mean.Thhank you for listening.

    Bright Luna
  • I got sweetheart...very accurate, but literally, and by literally I mean LITERALLY no one understands/gets me in that respect. I've got some friends and stuff, but, eh...

  • I'm a nerd but not many are mean to me.

  • sweetheart is me 10/10

  • Wow!I get 90%.i am a sweetheart.and yes i am.i have many friends.but i always do my homework and help others.i am out going and fun.but you know what i always get A's in my all tests.but dont think i am a nerd.and anyone bullying you just face it.

  • : Sweetheart 80%

    You are nice to everyone. You have so much friends that love and care about you. Everyone wants to sit next to you at lunch,be your partner in science class,or have you help them with something. One thing people like about you is that your honest and kind.

    62% Nerd
    1% Diva
    Good quiz! :D

  • I am sooo sorry if i hurt anyone if i did please comment! God bless all of you!

  • are you a diva,nerd,a sweetheart?
    Your Result: Sweetheart 85%

    You are nice to everyone. You have so much friends that love and care about you. Everyone wants to sit next to you at lunch,be your partner in science class,or have you help them with something. One thing people like about you is that your honest and kind.

    41% Diva
    6% Nerd

  • Morgan3929 did i hurt you?

  • are you a diva,nerd,a sweetheart?
    Your Result: Nerd 79%

    resultYou love school. You are smarter than everyone and you love to learn. People don't like you. You might think they don't like you because your a know it all but your not. They're just jealous.

    Only part of that is true... I do love school, learning and im smart. But, I do have friends and I'm not sure that many people are jealous of me....


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