Are you a demon or an angel

Do you wonder if your good or not, 😇 angel or demon😈 This quiz tells you which side your on. Just don't say I didn't warn u when you get your resultant.

The angels are a celebrated and 'holy'race weareas the demon race is feared even in the highest of society so yeh pros and some unlisted cons for both results 😊

Created by: Shado quiz
  1. your grandfather is visiting so how do you spend your time?
  2. You are crossing a road and someone stops their car but honk you. What do you do?
  3. You see a dog in the streets what do you do?
  4. am I your father?
  5. Do you like questions or not?
  6. Are you religious?
  7. Are you an angel?
  8. Are you a demon ?
  9. Do you kill people
  10. Final question do you like school?

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Quiz topic: Am I a demon or an angel
