Are you a Coshlim, a Frankfurter, or a Peart?

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The Pearts, Coshlims, and Frankfurters are the three main families in When the Sun and Snow Meet. This test will determine which family you ate the most like.

Here is some information about them: the Pearts have seven children, all girls. The Frankfurters have four children, all girls. And the Coshlims have one child, a girl.

Created by: Louise
  1. You are:
  2. Choose a number of kids:
  3. Choose a place to live:
  4. Choose a temperature:
  5. Choose a season:
  6. What is your opinion on swearing?
  7. Choose a sentence:
  8. Are you 'ethnic?'
  9. Baths or showers?
  10. What kind of neighborhood do you live in?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Coshlim, a Frankfurter, or a Peart?
