Are you a cool motherfcker ? :)

There is many cool people out their, who just have fun and don't care about what people think, if you want to find out if your one of those lucky people, take my quiz .

are you a cool motherfcker ? Do you think, you can handle being called one because that is a privilege, until now, i'm sure you have had those moments were you look up and think " hm i'm a cool motherfcker " but thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you can finnd out :)

Created by: Daisy harrison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have a girllfriend or a boyfriiend ?
  2. do you parrrtyyy hardd ?
  3. do you like piercings / tattoos ?
  4. ever tried drugs ?
  5. Mcdonalds, taco bell, or your mom ?
  6. do you text alot ?
  7. do you think megan fox is hotttt ?
  8. do you think my quiz is gay ? haah.
  9. what color would you pick out of these ?
  10. would you like to add me on myspace :D

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Quiz topic: Am I a cool motherfcker ? :)