are you a bit RUDE

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some of these are far-fetched and exggaduarted but still it gives you a general idea of what you are in terms of rudeness also this is a quiz made by an idiot not a professional psychotherapyist

i dunno what to write yaal have a good day though also please don't take offence i know most people will thinks its silly to take offence but there are some crazy modren day political correctness going on these days and i still don't want to insult them

Created by: onlypotatoesboi
  1. if you were robbing a bank (you weren't poor or anything) and you just started then what would you do (you have a mask on and you have a gun)
  2. who are your friends
  3. are your kids (if you have any) vaccinated .
  4. this wont effect your results but just a random question for fun: would you rather
  5. if an ugly fat woman gives you a 10% discount for your burger as a personal gift but puts that sauce you DESPISE on your chips what do you do
  6. what was/is your your mUm like
  7. if someone insults you but you don't actually what do you do
  8. where are you from (won't effect scores)
  9. how many times have you been to prison
  10. whats the worst thing out of theses you'v done .
  11. do you push in
  12. i'm not trying to be political here again as always and please don't somehow take offence in this but anyways:what are your thoughts on gays
  13. last qusition um uh uh uhuh okay how often do you swear
  14. no this is the last qusition your answers wont effect your resulst though quick chooze wun befor the tim runs out

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Quiz topic: Am I a bit RUDE

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