Are you a Angel Or A Devil?

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This quiz is about knowing if you are nice or mean or as you prefer Angel or Devil. I like anime that is why if you like anime go to my other quiz, are you a awesome anime lover? Plz leave some comments telling me about another quiz choice for me to make!

I love you guys so much and plz subscribe my channel on YouTube my channel name is RandomcolorXD. Once again guys I love you so much and check out my other quizzes.

Created by: kansas4545

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you like to wear everyday?
  2. What color do you like?
  3. Are you nice or mean?
  4. What animal do you like?
  5. What motto would you prefer?
  6. What Book would you prefer?
  7. What group would you rather be in?
  8. What shoes?
  9. What drink?
  10. What hobby would you have?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Angel Or A Devil?