Are u rly pc-nerd?

Many people think they're pro, but if youre rly pro, you'll get teh 67% on my test. Test is made by danielmou and he's teh pro, he owns you at warrock.

Are you rly a PCnerd, find it out with thiz tes7.!!! Check it out it's only 14 questions it's done in 4 minutes i think maximum. If you take my test u'r a human i think.

Created by: danielmou

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many hours a day are u Googling?
  2. How many hours a day are you gaming?
  3. What does 1337 mean?
  4. What files does YouTube use?
  5. What's a '*.mkv' file?
  6. What shoes do you wear?
  7. What is your favorite televisionchannel?
  8. What is your favorite genre of music?
  9. What are you rly doing on ur PC?
  10. What is the best internetbrowser?
  11. If you play games, what kind of games do you play?
  12. The quiz is ended.

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