are u popular??

"This quiz will test you to see if your popular or not and to see if you have any friends and dont worry you dont need money to take this quiz!!If you think your alredy popular than you might as well just not even take this quiz cuz you alredy think your popular enough so might as well keep going somewhere else.

Are you popular take this quiz and find out what you need to do to become popular!hurry and see your results but take the quiz first quick to see if you need to make more friends or just to stay the wya you are now.

Created by: Jo Sholler of dono
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many friends do you have??
  2. who do you sit with at lunch time??`
  3. whats youe fav. sport???
  4. how many ppl have asked you out??
  5. do you talk to ppl in the hall
  6. how many times does ur phone ring a day??
  7. what do you do at the dances??
  8. last question
  9. not yet almost
  10. vhkdk
  11. ??????

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