are u my type to date

there are many many types for u i might be yours i might not be but if im not just remember always be your self not who u whish u were or who people want u to be so take this quiz and my advice

i dont know what to tell u .... exept always be yourself and people will come around to you and love u for who u r so yeah be kind be bold be loving be who u r

Created by: Rose hegehog64
  1. what color are your eyes
  2. what color is your hair
  3. what is your favorite food
  4. whats your favorite color
  5. do u care about me
  6. r u nice
  7. will u treat me with respest
  8. if you wanted to call me something you would call me:
  9. would you talk to me
  10. this is the last question

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