pretty or not?!\randomness

Some people have trouble with boys, and school some of them don't know how to take care of these things. Here are some tips for you and all your friends.

Here's some advice for you I hope you take my advice for granted and tell all your friends about it. REMEMBER always express your feelings and YOU. You will need this sooner or later.

Created by: kiki
  1. Does he smile at you?
  2. Does he or she laugh at your jokes?
  3. Does he or she find eye contact?
  4. Do you have pimples?
  5. What color hair do you have?
  6. Does she touch you casually
  7. In class in what subject do you struggle most in
  8. what is your easiest subject in school
  9. are you shy
  10. Do you love to take selfies

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