Are u my friend?

THere are many good friends but few great friend. What is a friend but somone who could stick up for u when u are down and will help u out in a bad situation

SO just talke my quiz and find out if u are a true friend or just someone who i know huh huh what are ya huh huh????????!!!! SO i need more word on here so im ganna randomly type stuf.... lemmon fish sewers cotton candy yay for boobs?

Created by: Brad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats my Full name?
  2. What color hair do i have(basic colors)
  3. Whats My FAV animal
  4. What is my Fav Final Fantasy(#)
  5. Whats My Fav Magical TV Drama?
  6. complete the sentance "thats Whats ____ Said"
  7. What king of person am i (personality)
  8. Guess what ur done with the quiz so just put in yay!
  9. Or not mahahahahaha what is my fav color
  10. Last one... i think were was i born

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