Are u more an hamster,dog or cat person?

Find out which (more famous) house pet u are! Dog,hamster or cat??? (The picture are all taken from Pinterest so credits goes all to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!:3

Sorry if the quiz it’s kinda short but it’s my first one and my mind was kinda empty today..! I swear the results are worth it!!! (I think) enjoy my quiz!!

Created by: Obvnotkate
  1. Hello! Tysm for trying my quiz! This is my first one on this website so I hope u enjoy!
  2. First question, are u extrovert,introvert or ambivert?
  3. Which 1 of these activities do u enjoy the most?
  4. How do ur friends/parents describes u?
  5. Which 1 is more ur style?
  6. Which 1 is ur favorite season?
  7. where would u want ur date to be?
  8. What is ur favorite food?
  9. Thank u sooooo much for doing my first quiz! Sorry if it was short but my mind is empty rn😭 hope u enjoyed!
  10. I swear this is the last question, Byee!

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