Are You a Werewolf or Werecat?

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Hey this will help you to think of if you are a werewolf, werecat or human. Just believe in it ... Hope faith and trust I really don't want to write any more. Gghgggggbgbbb.

So do you think you are werewolf or werecat? Maybe just a regular human, you will find the answer by taking this quiz. Ready to begin?

Created by: Sara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like meat or what do you eat?
  2. Do you like being rubbed👏
  3. Do you eat fruit?
  4. Do you like tuna?
  5. I'm bord this dose not effect your scor I just want to play Minecraft.
  6. Dose a full moon take effect on you?
  7. Do you climb trees?
  8. What is your fave seson?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Werewolf or Werecat?