Are u a real Hip Hop Head?

There are many Hip Hop Lovers out there are you one? If u think you are here is a quiz for the hip hop lover in you! yada yada yada take my quiz!! there making me type 150...yea so holla at me! have a good day and yea...take the quiz yea mine!

Do u think u will do good? try and see. so yea thats it my quiz, my quiz, my quiz, my quiz...Take it, take it take it 250....its 11/12 today i been working on this for like a hour an 20 minutes. its been fun kind of, yea, take it take it take it!!!

Created by: Angel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have u ever heard of Digable Planet?
  2. Do you own any Underground CDs ones ur friends never heard of.
  3. Do u have atleast 8 mainstream CDs
  4. In what year did Jay Z "Resonable Doubt" come out?
  5. Who is Nas married to
  6. How many hip hop/rap/rnb concerts hav u been to?
  7. Whats ur style?
  8. what is a biter?
  9. E-40 was the first one wit that coarse for "Yay Area"
  10. U like my quiz, tho it kinda sucked I did pretty good u enjoyed it somewhat

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